Monday, June 12, 2017

She was simply there

Red Haired Girl
               Song by Matt Dame              

She was simply there

A Poem by Lee Outlaw

She was simply there;

My life standing still

Seeming to go nowhere

But suddenly, she was there

Her hair so red

Her face so fair

A smile that warms,

Even the coldest heart;

Yet her heart ……

Touching many

Their lives,

Forever changed

My life,

Her heart I desire

MY life waning

Yet satisfied,

By just one thought….

The thought of her

Knowing she is there,

This red haired beauty

With skin so fair

Her voice soft like silk

Her touch gentle as a summer breeze

And her kisses beyond perfection

Simply there,

This red haired beauty

With skin so fair

How I long for her

Each day that passes

I sense her being

Her thoughts, her spirit

Piercing my mind and soul;

Like an arrow

Thrust upon It's target

My heart she captured

My life she engulfs

Like no one else

Like nothing else

She moves me

She consumes me

This red hair beauty

With skin so fair

I long to tell her,

I yearn to ask her

My heart so full

My mind consumed

Words conflicting

But finally spoken

Will she be mine…?

This red hair beauty

With skin so fair

Out of the darkness

Her voice so soft,

The riposte I long desired

Her words spring forth,

"I am already yours"

My heart now filled

My life no longer wandering

She says "come home…"

"…you are the mate to my soul"

And so I am,

The mate to her soul,

And so she is,

The mate to my soul

I am home,

She…, is my home,

This red hair beauty

With skin so fair

©Copyright 2017 Dr. Lee W. Outlaw III